RFPs invited for conducting Evaluation for Financial & Social Education Program for schools

Project location: Uttar Pradesh – Hardoi, Gonda and Barabanki districts, Maharashtra State – Yavatmal district, Jharkhand State – Chatra and Hazaribagh districts

Organization: Meljol

Email for receiving application: contact@meljol.org

Purpose of the Assignment
Meljol is implementing a project of Aflatoun – Social and Financial Education Programme with children from Standard 4th to 8th in three State i.e. Maharashtra – Yavatmal, Uttar Pradesh – Barabanki, Gonda and Hardoi, Jharkhand – Chatra & Hazaribagh. MelJol aims at conducting an evaluation to understand the current knowledge & practices vis-à-vis the project focus areas.

Beneficiary outreach:
Total number of children reached through the project 85,957 children. Children from 120 government schools per district were part of Aflatoun -Social and financial programme. Age group of children 10 -14 years. Number of government schools reached out to 720.

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Outline of the tasks to be carried out

  • Desk review of project documents
  • Data collection for evolution and processed for the assessment. This shall include qualitative and quantitative data collected through various primary and secondary sources and methods such as Focus group Discussions, Key Informant Interviews etc. to know views of children, teachers and other stakeholders.
  • Preparing consolidated report based on the available data.

Relevant Experience and Qualification
Relevant experience in the social sector particularly in areas of Education and assessment of learning levels and having proven writing skills in conducting and writing research evaluation including (Program evolution baseline/ end line term assessments/ documentation) in related field. The applicant consultant/agency must provide brief of relevant assessments undertaken in past.

Report Structure

Reports are to be submitted in soft and hard copy format and shall include-

  • Report to include executive summary, table of contents, table of acronyms, introduction, context, project background, purpose and scope of review, methodology (including sampling), findings, conclusion, and bibliography
  • Purpose and scope of the program evolution
  • Methodology- shall include sampling technique, data collection technique, data analysis plan, Sample size, etc.
  • Conclusion including the relevance and significance of proposed intervention, probable challenges, scope of the project
  • Annexures (showing school-wise summary of findings in tabulated form)

Refer SkillReporter (www.SkillReporter.com) for skill development and The Edupress (www.TheEduPress.com ) for education related important News, Tenders, RFP, Jobs, EOI, Events, Announcements, Circulars, Notices and other useful updates. Content also shared on Facebook Twitter Linkedin

Nature and Duration of Assignment – This would be a Consultancy Contract with pre-agreed payment schedule. Evaluation assessments shall preferably be done within March. The data collection should be completed in the month of March and the 1st draft of the report to submitted by April 15th 2020 and final report by April 30th 2020.

Terms of Compensation – The payment will be as discussed and agreed to in terms agreeable to Meljol and the selected consultant.

Key Contact: Ms. Pankaja Dhande Kshirsagar, Sr. Manager, Sustainability shall be the key contact person for the purpose. The review panel for the proposal, assessment tools and the report shall, however, include experts from Meljol.

Procedure for Application:

  • Interested organizations/individuals may please send their profile mentioning details of experience in conducting similar assignments and provide details of their research team
  • Writing sample for which the lead consultant was the main researcher and author.
  • Organisation must present a broad proposal in two parts, the Technical and Financial. Technical part shall carry the detailed methodology, team to be involved, timeline, etc. and the financial part shall include expected compensation, etc.

Last date for submission: 28 February 2020

Ethical and Child Protection Statements – The consultant / agency must agree to abide by the child protection policy of Meljol and related requirements.

Refer SkillReporter (www.SkillReporter.com) for skill development and The Edupress (www.TheEduPress.com ) for education related important News, Tenders, RFP, Jobs, EOI, Events, Announcements, Circulars, Notices and other useful updates. Content also shared on Facebook Twitter Linkedin

Candidates/Organizations need to submit the following:

I) Cover letter
II) Detailed resume
III) Estimated budget