Important Notification : Chandigarh Smart City Limited (CSCL) invites e-tender (online tender) for Implementation of Smart School in Government Schools in ABD Area

Chandigarh : Chandigarh Smart City Limited (CSCL) invites e-tender (online tender) from the eligible, reputed and
established entities for “Implementation of Smart School in Government Schools in ABD Area and Operation & Maintenance of the Complete system for a period of Five Years Under Smart City Mission”.

The detailed Terms and Conditions of this Tender can be obtained from Govt. website Prospective Bidders should download the complete Tender Documents only from the website up to the last date of submission [Click Here for reference copy (Free Download )]. Addendum/Corrigendum if any, to the Tender Documents shall be uploaded on the aforementioned website only. Hence, the Bidders are advised to visit the same regularly. Bidders are advised to go through the complete bid documents, criteria and scope of work in particular, before submission of online bid.

Estimated Cost : Rs. 5.00 Crore (Rs. Five Crore Only)
Address of the Authority :
Chief Executive Officer
Chandigarh Smart City Limited
Building No. 1, 2nd & 3rd Floor, Adjoining SCO 17-18-19, Over New Bridge, Sector 17-A, Chandigarh – 160017
Email :
Mode : E-Tendering
Website :
RFP Fee (Non-Refundable):
Rs. 10,000 /- + 18% GST to be paid by Bank Transfer through RTGS in the A/c of CSCL (A/c No.: 50100047016350; A/c Name: Chandigarh Smart City Limited.; Bank Name & Address: HDFC Bank, SCO 78-79, Sector 8 – C, Chandigarh – 160008; IFSC: HDFC0000107).

Last date of Submission of Proposal : 05/07/2019, 15:30 PM
Date of Time of Opening of Prequalification / Technical Proposal : 05/07/2019, 17:00 PM
Date of Opening of Financial proposal : To be intimate later, after Technical Evaluation

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For more details, refer Tender Document [Click Here for reference copy (Free Download )]