All higher education institutes need to get accreditation by 2022 : AICTE Chairman

Hyderabad : The AICTE chairman Anil Dattaraya Sahasrabudhe has given a call to all higher education institutions in the country to get accredited by 2022, as publishing the accreditation status on the institutes’ website would become mandatory.

It may be noted that only 15 percent of the higher education institutes are accredited in the country while the rest still do not have accreditation by either the National Assessment and Accreditation Council or the National Board of Accreditation.

Speaking during the ‘National Conference on Indian Higher Education’ recently organised by EPSI and APAI, he said: “Some colleges with good infrastructure will be given six years of accreditation while the moderate ones will get three years of accreditation…”

The colleges not opt for accreditation will also have to pay the enrolment fee of Rs 1 lakh annually, the official said.

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